ECON 101 Introduction to Economics 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A non-technical introduction to economics with coverage of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Overview of the evolution of economic concepts and ideas. Application of economics to current problems such as inflation, unemployment, the financial sector, the economics of regulation, market imperfections, environmental problems, and international economics. Consumer decision making and different market models are included. (Can be substituted for ECON 102 in the major if students also take ECON 330 as one of their 300-level electives.) 3 hours lecture. (002635) General Education: Social Sciences (D)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomic Analysis 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introductory survey of macroeconomic analysis. Use of fundamental economic concepts to analyze the over-all economy. Determination of gross national product, rates of unemployment, problems of inflation, recession, and the use of governmental policies. Discussion of current problems. 3 hours lecture. (002636)
General Education: Social Sciences (D)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
ECON 103 Principles of Microeconomic Analysis 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introductory survey of microeconomic analysis. Analysis of individual economic units: household, firms, and markets. Analysis of individual decision making. Supply and demand analysis. Type of market organization: competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Discussion of current problems. 3 hours lecture. (002638)
General Education: Social Sciences (D)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
ECON 301 Microeconomic Analysis 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Microeconomics examines the economic behavior of individual decision-making agents, such as consumers, resource owners, and firms. The goal of this course is to build a theoretical foundation to study various applied fields in economics and management (such as international trade, public finance, labor, or environmental economics). Topics include consumer theory, production and cost analysis, theories of the firm and markets, and welfare economics. 3 hours discussion. (002647)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 302 Macroeconomic Analysis 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An extension of macroeconomic concepts and principles relating to short-term stabilization policies, long-term growth questions, fiscal and monetary theory and policy, international dimensions, and problems of inflation, deflation, unemployment, productivity, and growth. Theories and models are used to examine, develop, and analyze macroeconomics issues, problems, and policies. 3 hours discussion. (002648)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 330 Money and Credit 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
Financial markets and financial institutions. Impact of money and credit on the economy. Central banking and monetary policy. International finance. Macroeconomics and monetary theory will be emphasized. (Can be substituted for ECON 102 in the major.) 3 hours lecture. (002660) Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 340W Work, Wealth, and Income Distribution (W) 3 Units GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Investigation of the nature and causes of income distribution in the United States. Consideration of the social and economic forces which generate income levels and determine patterns of economic mobility over time, interweaving theoretical, descriptive, quantitative, and normative aspects. 3 hours lecture. (021270)
General Education: Upper-Division Social Sciences (UDD); Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
ECON 352 Medical Economics 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An examination of the health care industry and its role in fulfilling national health needs. Topics include national health insurance, health financing, and resource allocation. 3 hours lecture. (002667)
General Education: Upper-Division Social Sciences (UDD); Health and Wellness Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 355 The Economics of Government Regulations 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
An overview of the economics of government regulation with emphasis on the formulation of regulatory policy, alternative methods of regulation, and the economic impacts of such policy. Topics may include environmental regulation, energy conservation policy, consumer protection, antitrust policy, and a critical evaluation of market-based regulatory policy. 3 hours lecture. (002668)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 361 Sports Economics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course is designed to investigate the world of sports through an applied economics framework. Using this framework allows us to begin to answer questions like 'Do sports franchises always try to maximize profits?' 'How is the price of ticket to a particular sporting event determined?', "Should cities help fund the building if sports arenas?', and 'Do either fans or employers discriminate against players based on their ethnicity/race/nationality?'. To answer these questions, this course extends theories and models from various fields of economics (for example, Industrial Organization, Public Finance, and Labor Economics) to the domain of sports, The goal of this course is for students to be able to apply economic theory to a real world setting- a setting where data is readily available to test these theories. Therefore, in addition to the theoretical answer to these questions, this course discusses what empirical answer have been found to these same questions. 3 hours lecture. (021847)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 365 Environmental Economics
3 Units GE Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An analysis of the costs and benefits of environmental preservation. Systems for creating economic incentives for pollution abatement. Criteria for establishing optimum pollution abatement, including efficiency, safety, and sustainability standards. Impacts of population growth on global environmental problems. Alternative energy use patterns and their impact on energy markets and global environmental health. 3 hours lecture. (002671)
General Education: Upper-Division Social Sciences (UDD); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; California Studies Pathway; Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course
ECON 370 International Finance and Trade Policy 3 Units
Prerequisite: ECON 103 or faculty permission. Typically Offered: Spring only
A study on the theory of international finance and trade. In-depth analysis of what determines trade flows, gains from trade, and the international flow of capital and technology. Focus on international trade policies and institutions and a survey of current trade problems and conflicts. 3 hours lecture. (002672)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 375 The Developing Countries
3 Units Typically Offered: Fall only
This course surveys theoretical approaches and policy options to the problems of development and underdevelopment in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Agricultural transformations, industrial development, balance of payments problems, the role of foreign aid, direct foreign investment, the economic role of international institutions such as the World Bank, and other related topics are included in this course. 3 hours lecture. (002673)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course
ECON 380 Economic Statistics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
The objective of this course is to show the relevance of statistic analysis for economics. Each topic is presented with an application of a macroeconomic or microeconomic theory. Real data is used in software applications for developing a conceptual understanding of the problem and for analyzing the data. 3 hours discussion. (002675)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 389 Internship 1-6 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-6.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Field experience in working with economic data designed to complement the theoretical classroom curriculum and to give students work experience related to their studies. Placements are limited, so students must be screened. Units are dependent upon the number of hours in the field. May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 units. No more than 3 units can be counted toward 300-level Economics major requirement. 9 hours supervision. (002677)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 398 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Department permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 2 hours lecture. (002679)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 399 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an independent study offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (002680)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 431HW Theory of Money - Honors (W) 3 Units W
Prerequisite: ECON 302, acceptance into the Honors in the Major Program. Typically Offered: Fall only
A survey course of monetary theories. The role of money in general equilibrium and exchange theory. Money in the classical system. Keynes' theory of money. Monetarism. Honors student enrolled in this class are held to more rigorous standards and expectations in both reading and writing assignments than students in ECON 431. 3 hours seminar. (020735)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
ECON 431W Theory of Money (W) 3 Units W
Typically Offered: Fall only
A survey course of monetary theories. The role of money in general equilibrium and exchange theory. Money in the classical system. Keynes' theory of money. Monetarism. 3 hours seminar. (002688)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
ECON 440 Labor Economics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course is designed to be an introduction to labor markets with emphasis on applied microeconomic theory. The course begins with the classical models of labor demand and labor supply. This framework is then used to discuss questions like 'How do individuals choose how much to work, it at all?', 'What are the effect of a minimum, wage on labor markets outcomes?', 'How do unions impact the labor market?', and 'Why does discrimination exist in a perfectly competitive market?'. In addition to looking at the theoretical answer to these questions, this course also discusses what empirical answers have been found to these same questions. 3 hours lecture. (002690)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 452 Health Economics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course examines economics as it applies to global health. Students study the role health plays in economic development with emphasis on developing countries. While students learn some theories in health economics, development economics and econometrics sub fields, the bulk of the course load is applied centric. The course first provides students with a toolkit for analyzing issues related to global health economics and then requires them to apply these skills. 3 hours lecture. (022007)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 466HW Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - Honors (W)
3 Units W Prerequisite: ECON 301, acceptance into the Honors in the Major Program. Typically Offered: Fall only
Economic theory and policy concerning optimization of resource use and pollution abatement. Incentive systems for generating optimum pollution abatement. Efficiency, safety, and sustainability standards as criteria defining the appropriate level of environmental preservation. Economically efficient rates of consumption for renewable and non-renewable resources. Case studies in resource exploitation assessing whether current use rates deviate from the optimum. Honors students enrolled in this class are held to more rigorous standards and expectations in both reading and writing assignments than students in ECON 466. 3 hours lecture. (020739)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course; Writing Course
ECON 466W Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (W)
3 Units W Typically Offered: Fall only
Economic theory and policy concerning optimization of resource use and pollution abatement. Incentive systems for generating optimum pollution abatement. Efficiency, safety, and sustainability standards as criteria defining the appropriate level of environmental preservation. Economically efficient rates of consumption for renewable and non-renewable resources. Case studies in resource exploitation assessing whether current use rates deviate from the optimum. 3 hours lecture. (002696)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course; Writing Course
ECON 470 International Economics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
Economic problems arising out of economic relations and interactions among nations. Current theory of international trade, capital flows, and finance. International economic institutions and their relationship to American foreign policy. 3 hours seminar. (002697)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 470H International Economics - Honors 3 Units
Prerequisite: ECON 301, acceptance into the Honors in the Major Program. Typically Offered: Fall only
Economic problems arising out of economic relations and interactions among nations. Current theory of international trade, capital flows, and finance. International economic institutions and their relationship to American foreign policy. Honors students enrolled in this class are held to more rigorous standards and expectations in both reading and writing assignments than students in ECON 470. 3 hours seminar. (020740) Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 475 Open-Economy Macroeconomics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
The main objective of this course is to develop macroeconomics models that apply to the international economic phenomena. The first part of the course discusses the main theories which are combined into a unifying theoretical framework and applied to actual policy issues. The second part of the course covers relatively new topics in international macroeconomics such as stabilization policies, macroeconomics policy coordination, optimum currency areas, and proposed reforms in the international financial system. Honors students enrolled in this course are held to more rigorous standards and expectations in both readings and writing assignments. 3 hours discussion. (021226)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 476 Issues in Global Environment and Development 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
Explores the issues in poverty and economic development as they relate to climate change, gender, and international trade. 3 hours discussion. (021227)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 481 Introductory Econometrics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
Use of mathematics and statistics to design and test econometric models. 3 hours discussion. (002699)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 481H Introductory Econometrics - Honors 3 Units
Prerequisite: ECON 301, ECON 302, acceptance into the Honors in the Major Program. Typically Offered: Fall only
Use of mathematics and statistics to design and test econometric models. Honors students enrolled in this class are held to more rigorous standards and expectations in both reading and writing assignments than students in ECON 481. 3 hours discussion. (020741) Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 483 Econometrics II 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course provides tools of applied econometric analysis by building upon the concepts of econometrics and regression analysis attained in Econ 481. The students will be working closely with data as well as statistical software and use applied econometric methods beyond the linear regression model. 3 hours seminar. (002701)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 495W Capstone in Economics (W) 3 Units W, GW
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Students review selected economic literature and complete written assignments that relate readings to their area of interest in economics. Class meetings provide opportunities for constructive critiques from the instructor, feedback from other students, in-class writing, and oral presentations. The course is also used for program assessment. Honors in the Major students can substitute ECON 499H for ECON 495. 3 hours seminar. (002704)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
ECON 498 Special Topics in Economics 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision. (002721)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 499 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (002722)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
ECON 499HW Honors Independent Study in Economics (W) 3 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: Admission to Honors in Economics Program, GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, ECON 301 or ECON 302, faculty permission. Typically Offered: Fall and spring
As part of the 400-level economics courses used for admission to the honors program, students undertake a research project on a topic approved by the course and honors instructors. In ECON 499H, students complete the project undertaken in the first semester and meet all course requirements for ECON 499H, including a public presentation of their research. Because ECON 499H is a writing proficiency course, students completing this course with a B or higher are not required to take ECON 495. 3 hours supervision. (002723)
Grade Basis: Report in Progress: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
ECON 697 Independent Study 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
9 hours supervision. (020123)
Grade Basis: Report in Progress: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Graduate Division