Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty GE Minor

Total Units Required: 18

Completing the GE Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty will allow you to identify the conditions that shape the lived experiences of Black, Latinx/e, Asian, Indigenous, Native American, and/or other communities of color with a particular emphasis on but not exclusive to the United States. You will take courses across subjects to support your ability to analyze inequities in society and work toward possible solutions in your homes, communities, and careers.

Students who are already completing the associated General Education (GE) Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty upper-division Pathway can earn the minor by taking six courses from different GE Areas. Students who complete all courses in the minor will meet the University’s US Diversity (USD) and Global Cultures (GC) requirements, as well as at least one upper-division Writing (W) course.

Adrian Marquina studies law books in the Meriam Library.