Philosophy (PHIL)
See Course Description Symbols and Terms for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units.
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introduction to philosophical thought and skills. Issues that traditionally have been of central importance in philosophical inquiry, such as the nature of knowledge, reality, and values, will be emphasized. 3 hours lecture. (007155)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 102 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A practical course in clear thinking and sound reasoning, which includes training in recognizing and avoiding the most commonly made mistakes in reasoning. 3 hours discussion. (007151)
General Education: Critical Thinking (A3)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 102E Logic and Critical Thinking -- ESL 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: For Students with English as a Second Language.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A special section of Logic and Critical Thinking open only to students with English as a Second Language. Interested students should consult with international evaluations. 3 hours discussion. (007152)
General Education: Critical Thinking (A3)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 104 The Good Life
3 Units GE

Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A critical survey of different theories of happiness and meaning in life, including discussion of the roles of moral values, mental health, art, music, and food and drink in living well. 3 hours lecture. (007163)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Sustainable Course
PHIL 106 Ethics for College Life and Beyond 3 Units GE, USD
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An applied ethics course that focuses on moral issues affecting college students. This course covers general ethical theories and issues such as free speech, gender identity, academic integrity, Greek life, inequality, college sports, activism, racism and sexism, drugs and alcohol, sexual assault, and casual sex. 3 hours lecture. (022231)
General Education: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development (E)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; US Diversity
PHIL 111 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An exploration of ethical problems and issues concerning artificial intelligence (AI). Topics may include the appropriate limits we should set on AI research and implementation, the danger of AI in propagating and producing social injustice, whether AI can have moral rights, as well as ethical considerations of AI in its relation to social media, democracy, war, and policing. 3 hours lecture. (022530)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 129 Environmental Ethics
3 Units GE

Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An examination of a variety of approaches to the development of an environmental ethic, including "shallow" and "deep" environmentalism, the balance of nature argument, and the Gaia hypothesis. 3 hours discussion. (021190)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Sustainable Course
PHIL 133 Philosophy and Video Games 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
In this course, we consider some philosophical topics through the lens of video games and gaming. Those topics include the purpose, benefits, and drawbacks of gaming; the line between reality and fiction games involve, the role of imagination, and how it affects our agency and sense of control; some common philosophical themes in video games, such as consciousness, personal identity, and triumph of good over evil; and the immersive experience of gaming, especially in virtual reality. 3 hours lecture. (021947)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 189 Philosophy Internship 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
9 hours supervision. (007178)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 198 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Department permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours supervision. (007180)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 201 History of Ancient Philosophy 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
Western philosophical thought from the pre-Socratics through Stoicism, including movements and figures such as Pythagoreanism, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicureanism. 3 hours lecture. (007181)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 204 Science and Religion 3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
In this course we investigate the long and complicated relationship between science and religion by examining both the conflict and co-operation between theologians, philosophers, and scientists in the Western and Eastern worlds throughout history and into the modern age. 3 hours lecture. (007201)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 207 The Meaning of Life 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Is there meaning or purpose to life? Does science help or hinder the search for meaning? This course examines philosophical and scientific perspectives on the meaning of life, the nature of happiness, and how to think about the value and purpose of your life. 3 hours discussion. (021531)
General Education: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development (E)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 217 Existentialism 3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
An examination of existentialism from Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Sartre, and de Beauvoir. An analysis of the basic forces, concepts, and figures which have shaped existentialism. 3 hours lecture. (021534)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
PHIL 302 History of Modern Philosophy 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
Western philosophical thought from the Renaissance through Kant, including Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. 3 hours lecture. (007182)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 303W History of 19th Century Philosophy (W) 3 Units W
Typically Offered: Fall only odd years
Western philosophical thought from Kant through the twentieth century, including the phenomenological and analytic traditions in western philosophy. 3 hours lecture. (007183)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
PHIL 305 Continental Philosophy 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only even years
A survey of key thinkers and movements in the 20th and 21st Century European tradition, such as phenomenology, existentialism, Marxism, post-structuralism, and post-colonialism with special focus on Heidegger and Sartre. 3 hours seminar. (007204)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 320 Ethics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
An introduction to moral theory, including such figures as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. Alternative views concerning fundamental moral questions will be explored. 3 hours seminar. (007190)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 323 Moral Issues in Parenting 3 Units GC, GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A philosophical investigation of the moral and legal dimensions of parenting. 3 hours lecture. (007212)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures
PHIL 323W Moral Issues in Parenting (W) 3 Units GC, GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A philosophical investigation of the moral and legal dimensions of parenting. 3 hours lecture. (021242)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures; Writing Course
PHIL 327 Health Ethics 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Inquiry into ethical issues faced in the pursuit of individual and social health. Topics include alternative ideas of health, ethical theories, responsibilities of health professionals, access to health care, and environmental health. 3 hours lecture. (007225)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Health and Wellness Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 327W Health Ethics (W) 3 Units GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Inquiry into ethical issues faced in the pursuit of individual and social health. Topics include alternative ideas of health, ethical theories, responsibilities of health professionals, access to health care, and environmental health. 3 hours lecture. (021351)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Health and Wellness Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
PHIL 328 Business Ethics and Social Policy 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
An examination of ethical issues that arise in business decisions and the formulation of social policy involving business, e.g. employee rights, consumer and environmental protection, advertising, and affirmative action. Moral theory and alternative conceptions of justice will also be discussed. 3 hours lecture. (007226)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 332 Criminal Justice Ethics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An investigation of contemporary moral issues involved in police work and corrections, such as deadly force, entrapment, undercover work, corruption, and prisoners' rights. 3 hours seminar. (021814)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 335 Regional Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
Preparation for the Regional Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (RIEB) competition that includes review of moral theory, introduction to skills in moral problem solving, application of theory to moral dilemmas across a wide range of personal, social, and professional environments, and oral presentation of solutions to moral dilemmas. Require travel to and participation in the RIEB (one weekend during semester). 3 hours lecture. (020605)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 9 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental Philosophies
3 Units GE, USD

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An exploration of traditional and contemporary American Indian thought regarding people in relationship to the human and nonhuman worlds, with focus on land ethic, animal ethics, sustainability. 3 hours lecture. (020644)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; California Studies Pathway; Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course; US Diversity
PHIL 337 Philosophy of Race 3 Units GE, USD
Prerequisite: 45 lower-division units; GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course introduces and analyzes the predominant philosophical, cultural, and scientific views on race and examines the issue of racism primarily in contemporary American culture. 3 hours lecture. (021207)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; US Diversity
PHIL 337W Philosophy of Race (W) 3 Units GE, USD, W
Prerequisite: 45 lower-division units; GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course introduces and analyzes the predominant philosophical, cultural, and scientific views on race and examines the issue of racism primarily in contemporary American culture. 3 hours lecture. (021267)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; US Diversity; Writing Course
PHIL 339 Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Draws on religion, philosophy, ethics, cultural analysis, and science to explore the nature and roles of the animal in religious, cultural, scientific, and ethical beliefs and practices. 3 hours lecture. (021122)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Cross listing(s): RELS 339
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 339W Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) 3 Units GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Draws on religion, philosophy, ethics, cultural analysis, and science to explore the nature and roles of the animal in religious, cultural, scientific, and ethical beliefs and practices. 3 hours lecture. (021362)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Cross listing(s): RELS 339W
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
PHIL 340W Social and Political Philosophy (W) 3 Units W
Typically Offered: Fall only
A philosophical examination of the nature and function of the human community and the political state, and of the implications for individual life of alternative conceptions of society and politics. 3 hours seminar. (007198)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
PHIL 341 Justice and Global Issues
3 Units GC, GE

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Inquiry into different theories of justice, and their implications for contemporary political issues. Topics include inequality, crime policy, taxes, immigration, globalization, war, and sustainability. 3 hours seminar. (007211)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Global Studies Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures; Sustainable Course
PHIL 341W Justice and Global Issues (W)
3 Units GC, GE, W

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Inquiry into different theories of justice, and their implications for contemporary political issues. Topics include inequality, crime policy, taxes, immigration, globalization, war, and sustainability. 3 hours seminar. (021243)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Global Studies Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures; Sustainable Course; Writing Course
PHIL 357 Feminist Philosophy 3 Units USD
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
How does the term 'feminist' (a political commitment) modify the term 'theory' (an intellectual practice)? This course addresses this question by surveying several feminist frameworks for thinking about sex, gender, and oppression. We consider whether there is a tenable distinction between sex and gender, what it means to say that a category is socially constructed, and how social constructions can be oppressive. We read a range of contemporary feminist theorists working to analyze the complex interrelations of social differences (gender, race, class, sexual orientation, species), and relations of social domination and economic exploitation in a globalized world. 3 hours lecture. (021818)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; US Diversity
PHIL 360 Theory of Knowledge (Epistemology) 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
Philosophical studies of the sources, nature, and criteria of knowledge; alternative approaches to problems of perception, meaning, and truth. 3 hours seminar. (007188)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 361 Metaphysics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
An examination of basic metaphysical problems, such as free will, the mind-body problem, life after death, and some of the systems of thought that attempt to deal with them. 3 hours seminar. (007189)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 367 Philosophy of Mind and Language 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only even years
Introduction to philosophical questions about the nature of mind and language, includes such topics as philosophical analysis of mental phenomena, philosophical theories of mind, theories of reference and meaning, mental representation, animal and computer minds, consciousness, the mind-body problem, the philosophical importance of language, and the role of language in thought. 3 hours lecture. (021648)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 370 Philosophy of Science 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An examination of the philosophical issues raised by scientific inquiry. Topics include the logical empiricist view of science, perception, and discovery, scientific paradigms, and the implications of reductivism. 3 hours seminar. (007193)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway; Science, Technology, and Society Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 370W Philosophy of Science (W) 3 Units GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An examination of the philosophical issues raised by scientific inquiry. Topics include the logical empiricist view of science, perception, and discovery, scientific paradigms, and the implications of reductivism. 3 hours seminar. (021717)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway; Science, Technology, and Society Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
PHIL 375 Philosophy of Psychology 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only odd years
This course offers an overview of some of the issues in philosophy of psychology. We explore the nature and the organization of our mental capacities such as perception, reasoning, metacognition, and introspection; the extent of our rationality; the relation between perception and cognition; the methods of philosophy and psychology; and the overall architecture of the mind. 3 hours lecture. (021773)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 380 Intermediate Logic 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
In this course students will learn classical propositional and predicate logic. The syntax, semantics and deductive systems of a few formal systems will be studied. 3 hours discussion. (007196)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 384 Aesthetics 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only even years
A philosophical study of the nature and significance of art, with references to relevant works. The course considers such themes as the beautiful, the sublime, comedy, tragedy and the social psychological dimensions of art as well as the periods of Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism. 3 hours lecture. (020624)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 389 Philosophy Internship 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
9 hours supervision. (007245)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 398 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Investigation of special topics in philosophy. Open to upper-division students only. Variable content. 3 hours lecture. (007267)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 399 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (007268)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 420W Contemporary Moral Theory (W) 3 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: GE Written Communication (A2) requirement.
Typically Offered: Fall only even years
An analysis of recent ethical theory. 3 hours seminar. (007270)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
PHIL 435 National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl 3 Units
Prerequisite: PHIL 335 or faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Spring only
Preparation for the National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (NIEB) competition that includes refining skills in moral problem solving, application of theory to moral dilemmas across a wide range of personal , social, and professional environments, and oral presentation of solutions to moral dilemmas. Requires travel to and participation in the NIEB (5-day block during semester). 3 hours lecture. (020606)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 9 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 438 Jurisprudence: Philosophy of Law 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
The philosophical nature and origins of law. Topics to be examined include theories of law, justice, the relationship of law to morality, natural law, responsibility, punishment, and other basic concepts. Approach is both theoretical and via case studies. 3 hours lecture. (007282)
Cross listing(s): POLS 438
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 480 Advanced Logic 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only odd years
Systematic treatment of truth functions and quantifiers; introduction to mathematical logic. Topics include syntax, semantics, and metatheory for the propositional and predicate calculi. Other topics may include non-classical logic, modal logic, the logic of counterfactuals. 3 hours discussion. (007195)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 489 Philosophy Internship 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Junior standing or above and either 9 units of philosophy or have declared philosophy as a major or minor, faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an internship offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. Internships in Philosophy: (a) assisting instructors in lower-division courses; (b) assisting the department in preparation of Philosophy Forums, or department-sponsored discussions, debates, and multimedia presentations; (c) working outside the academic program in government, community, or business, in tasks appropriate for philosophy students; or (d) assisting faculty in research. A maximum of 6 units may be counted toward the major or minor in philosophy. 9 hours supervision. (007293)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 489T Internship in Teaching Philosophy 3 Units
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Supervised collaborative training in teaching, normally completed in two consecutive semesters. Focus in the first semester is on developing class plans and instructional communication skills. Focus in the second semester is on creating syllabi and developing competence in assessment. Registration is by arrangement with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (007294)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 490W Senior Capstone Seminar (W) 3 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: GE Written Communication (A2) requirement; 12 units in Philosophy.
Typically Offered: Spring only
Intensive reading, discussion, and writing that builds on knowledge and skills acquired in previous philosophy courses. Topics vary. Course includes review of key philosophical concepts and methods, peer feedback for oral and written work, reflection on experience of the major, and post-graduate plans. 3 hours seminar. (021650)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
PHIL 498 Special Topics 3 Units
Prerequisite: Department permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is for special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. Typically the topic is offered on a one-time-only basis and may vary from term to term and be different for different sections. See the Class Schedule for the specific topic being offered. 3 hours lecture. (007330)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 499 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (007331)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
PHIL 499HW Senior Honors Research Paper (W) 3 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, acceptance into Honors in Philosophy, faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
To provide opportunity for the student accepted for "Honors in the Major" to prepare and write a thesis on a topic germane to interests developed during the first three years of work in Philosophy. Research and writing will be done under supervision by a staff advisor and for the total of 6 units in consecutive semesters. 9 hours supervision. (007332)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
PHIL 689 Internship in Teaching Philosophy 3 Units
Prerequisite: Graduate standing and faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Supervised collaborative training in teaching, normally completed in two consecutive semesters. Focus in the first semester is on developing class plans and instructional communication skills. Focus in the second semester is on creating syllabi and developing competence in assessment. Registration is by arrangement with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (007333)
Grade Basis: Graduate Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Graduate Division
PHIL 697 Independent Study 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Open only to students pursuing a Master of Arts Degree with a special major, faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course is a graduate-level independent study offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (007341)
Grade Basis: Report in Progress: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Graduate Division