Religious Studies (RELS)
See Course Description Symbols and Terms for an explanation of course description terminology and symbols, the course numbering system, and course credit units.
RELS 100 Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 3 Units GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An analysis of the religions of the West: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. 3 hours lecture. (008129)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
RELS 110 Introduction to Spiritual Traditions of Asia 3 Units GC, GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course covers key health and wellness practices in Asian religions including medical traditions, breathing techniques, mental wellness, meditation, diet, exercise, sexual practices, yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, and Martial Arts. It seeks to place these practices and forms of knowledge in their historical and cultural context and to examine them in light of modern scientific advances in our knowledge of mental and physical health. Through providing context for these traditions of health and wellness, the course also provides an introduction to the religions of Asia such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism. 3 hours lecture. (008128)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures
RELS 180 Introduction to Spirituality and Religion in California 3 Units GC, GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
In this course we study the ways in which the world's religious traditions and spiritual movements have been shaped by, expressed in and emerged from the California context. In addition to covering indigenous religions, this course presents the histories, beliefs, and traditions of the world religions that traveled with immigrants to California. This course will be structured around guest experts and site visits/field trips to where religion and spirituality are lived and practiced. 3 hours lecture. (008130)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures
RELS 198 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
Special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 3 hours lecture. (008134)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Lower Division
RELS 199 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (020369)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
RELS 202 Islam and the World 3 Units GC, GE
Typically Offered: Fall only
Introduces students to the history, faith, practice, and cultures of Islam, starting with the Late Antique Near Eastern milieu from which it emerged and tracing its development and geographic spread around the world to the present day. 3 hours lecture. (004515)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures
RELS 204W The Stories of Judaism (W) 3 Units GE, USD, W
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course introduces students to the beliefs and practices of Judaism and the experiences of Jews in history through the lens of scriptural and literary narratives. The course surveys biblical narratives, Rabbinic and Hasidic stories, and modern works by writers such as Sholem Aleichem, Franz Kafka, Isaac Babel, S. Y. Agnon, and Cynthia Ozick. 3 hours discussion. (005860)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): MJIS 204W
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; US Diversity; Writing Course
RELS 205 Antisemitism and Islamophobia 3 Units GE, USD
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course traces the interrelated historical development of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim persecution. It explores accusations against Jews arising in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome as well as under Christian and Muslim rule, together with the development of modern racial theories about Jews, political forms of anti-Jewish hatred, the Holocaust, and enduring myths of Jewish conspiracies. It also investigates the idea of a "clash of civilizations," the impact of the Crusades, colonialism, and Islamic resurgence, and the treatment and persecution of Muslim minorities in Western Europe, Russia, Bosnia, China, Israel, Myanmar, India, and the United States. 3 hours discussion. (020675)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): MJIS 205
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; US Diversity
RELS 224 Religion and Ethnic Diversity in America 3 Units GE, USD
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course covers the religions that inform America's various ethnic groups, and the historical, cultural, and social experiences and values of Native American, Hispanic-American, Arab-American, African-American, and Asian-American cultures. 3 hours seminar. (021198)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): MCGS 224
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; US Diversity
RELS 224W Religion and Ethnic Diversity in America (W) 3 Units GE, USD, W
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course covers the religions that inform America's various ethnic groups, and the historical, cultural, and social experiences and values of Native American, Hispanic-American, Arab-American, African-American, and Asian-American cultures. 3 hours lecture. (021964)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): MCGS 224W
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; US Diversity; Writing Course
RELS 247W Religion, Ethics, and Ecology (W)
3 Units GC, GE, W

Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introduction to ways that religious and secular world views and ethics influence attitudes, behaviors, and policies toward the environment, society, and economy. The course considers alternative views of self and society, the relationship between human beings and the natural world, and issues of lifestyle, justice, and sustainability. 3 hours lecture. (021720)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures; Sustainable Course; Writing Course
RELS 264 Dying, Death, and Afterlife 3 Units GC, GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A study of the religious, ethical, spiritual, psychological, and socio-cultural dimensions of dying, death, and afterlife. Reading and discussion of issues surrounding dying (dying as one's last career, patient-centered approaches, spirit/body relationships); death (definitions, religious meanings, ritual practices); and afterlife (religious conceptions, relation to the human quest for meaning). 3 hours seminar. (021321)
General Education: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development (E)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures
RELS 264W Dying, Death, and Afterlife (W) 3 Units GC, GE, W
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
A study of the religious, ethical, spiritual, psychological, and socio-cultural dimensions of dying, death, and afterlife. Reading and discussion of issues surrounding dying (dying as one's last career, patient-centered approaches, spirit/body relationships); death (definitions, religious meanings, ritual practices); and afterlife (religious conceptions, relation to the human quest for meaning). 3 hours seminar. (004443)
General Education: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development (E)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures; Writing Course
RELS 275 Women and Religion 3 Units GC, GE
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Analysis of the images, roles, and experiences of women in world religions in historical and contemporary contexts. 3 hours discussion. (021806)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): WMST 275
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures
RELS 275W Women and Religion (W) 3 Units GC, GE, W
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Analysis of the images, roles, and experiences of women in world religions in historical and contemporary contexts. 3 hours discussion. (021201)
General Education: Humanities (C2)
Cross listing(s): WMST 275W
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division; Global Cultures; Writing Course
RELS 299 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (020370)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Lower Division
RELS 300 Religions of East Asia 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This discussion-centered, project-directed course is a complement to RELS 310 (Religions of South Asia). It introduces elementary concepts of comparative religion and the basics of East Asian history. Afterward, it provides basic knowledge of major traditions and important developments of East Asian religions from the Axial Age to modern times. 3 hours discussion. (021959)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 300W Religions of East Asia (W) 3 Units W
Typically Offered: Fall only
This discussion-centered, project-directed course is a complement to RELS 310 (Religions of South Asia). It introduces elementary concepts of comparative religion and the basics of East Asian history. Afterward, it provides basic knowledge of major traditions and important developments of East Asian religions from the Axial Age to modern times. 3 hours discussion. (021568)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
RELS 302 Muhammad and the Qur'an 3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course introduces students to the sacred scripture and prophet of Islam. Students study the biography of Muhammad (570-632) and the text of the Qur'an by situating it within the context of Muhammad's life and career. By the end of the course, students are able to appreciate how devout Muslims view Muhammad and the Qur'an, as well as ask critical questions raised by modern scholars of religion. 3 hours lecture. (020263)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 306 Roots of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course introduces students to the formation and early history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with a special focus on the scriptural traditions of those three religions. 3 hours seminar. (021561)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 308 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam since the Crusades 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course explores the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the crusades to the modern era. Major topics include the teachings of each tradition on war, peace, and conflict; religious diversity among the three traditions, especially in response to modernity and globalization; and the role of ritual in the three traditions. 3 hours lecture. (021416)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 310 Religions of South Asia 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course provides an introduction to the religions of South Asia from the earliest times until the present, and provides basic sociological, psychological, philosophical, and anthropological perspectives from which to study them. The main religions explored are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism with some discussion of Islam in the Indian region as well. All of these religions have deeply influenced Indian society and students are exposed to the literature, art, ideas, and practices of these faiths. 3 hours seminar. (022180)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 322W Religion in America (W) 3 Units W
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Religion plays a role in the most contentious social issues of our era: religious freedom, abortion, evolution, racism, and gay rights, among others. The course explores the historical roots of American religions and religious trends such as pluralism and fundamentalism. We pay particular attention to media representations of religious "others" and use case studies to explore the intersections of religion and gender, race, class, and ethnicity. The course uses historical documents, religious texts, films and other media, and also introduces students to basic research methods for religious studies. 3 hours discussion. (000405)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
RELS 323 Religion and Nature
3 Units

Typically Offered: Spring only
What is the place of human beings in the natural world? Do humans have a responsibility to other species? Are human beings primarily of nature or above or apart from nature? Is the proper role of humans to manipulate and control the natural world or to harmonize and conform their lives to the ways of nature? How have different beliefs about the existence or non-existence of divine or supernatural beings influenced human attitudes and behaviors toward the natural environment? What are some of the ways in which religions have shaped attitudes towards nature in specific historical and cultural contexts? What kinds of ritual practices do different cultures engage in concerning the natural world? This course considers a variety of religious and secular perspectives on these questions as well as responses to contemporary environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change. Special attention is given to the perspectives and practices of indigenous cultures. 3 hours seminar. (021621)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course
RELS 332 World Religions and Global Issues
3 Units GC, GE

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introduction to major religions of the contemporary world (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Chinese religions) with particular emphasis on their relationship to pressing global issues, including economics and poverty, environmental issues, war and peace, and human rights. Explores a number of religious traditions that are closely identified with specific ethnic groups in this country. 3 hours lecture. (008190)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Global Studies Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures; Sustainable Course
RELS 339 Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice 3 Units GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Draws on religion, philosophy, ethics, cultural analysis, and science to explore the nature and roles of the animal in religious, cultural, scientific, and ethical beliefs and practices. 3 hours lecture. (021122)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Cross listing(s): PHIL 339
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 339W Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) 3 Units GE, W
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Draws on religion, philosophy, ethics, cultural analysis, and science to explore the nature and roles of the animal in religious, cultural, scientific, and ethical beliefs and practices. 3 hours lecture. (021362)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); Agriculture, Food, and Environment Pathway; Equity, Ethics, and Policy Pathway
Cross listing(s): PHIL 339W
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course
RELS 341 Science, Technology, and Religion 3 Units GC, GE
Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course looks at the relationship between science and religion in specific cultural contexts, including Asia, Europe, and North America. It examines the different ways that theologians, sociologists, philosophers, and scientists have approached this relationship and highlights points of conflict as well as agreement with respect to knowledge claims, moral outlooks and other issues. In addition, the course explores the impact of scientific developments on the beliefs and practices of a variety of religions as well as the ways technology has been deployed by religious practitioners. 3 hours lecture. (022282)
General Education: Upper-Division Social Sciences (UDD); Science, Technology, and Society Pathway
Cross listing(s): SOCI 341
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Global Cultures
RELS 357 End of the World
3 Units GE

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course introduces students to the ways in which historic and contemporary religious communities interpret catastrophes and how religious worlds explain and provide humans with tools to cope with catastrophes and with making meaning out of suffering and death. Focus is on visions of the end of the world (apocalypticism, environmental destruction), interpreting the meaning of disasters (natural, human-induced), and personal and global annihilation (epidemics, nuclear destruction). 3 hours lecture. (021323)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); California Studies Pathway; Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway; Science, Technology, and Society Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course
RELS 357W End of the World (W)
3 Units GE, W

Prerequisite: GE Oral Communication (A1); GE Written Communication (A2); GE Critical Thinking (A3); GE Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (B4) requirements, or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
This course introduces students to the ways in which historic and contemporary religious communities interpret catastrophes and how religious worlds explain and provide humans with tools to cope with catastrophes and with making meaning out of suffering and death. Focus is on visions of the end of the world (apocalypticism, environmental destruction), interpreting the meaning of disasters (natural, human-induced), and personal and global annihilation (epidemics, nuclear destruction). 3 hours lecture. (008166)
General Education: Upper-Division Arts/Humanities (UDC); California Studies Pathway; Sustainability and Climate Change Pathway; Science, Technology, and Society Pathway
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Sustainable Course; Writing Course
RELS 358 Religion in American Public Schools 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
An introduction to the major world religions and an analysis of legal, intellectual, and educational issues that arise in connection with the study of religions in American public schools. 3 hours lecture. (008168)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 365 Religion and Film 3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
An examination of the representation of religious concerns and meaning in modern film. Utilizing resources developed in religious traditions and in the field of religious studies, the course examines themes central to the human condition such as selfhood, religious conviction, despair, redemption, and race and ethnicity. 2 hours discussion, 3 hours laboratory. (008149)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 368 Interreligious Conflict and Cooperation 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course examines interreligious conflict and cooperation in a variety of historical and contemporary contexts. It explores belief systems regarding religious "others" and the social, political, and cultural circumstances that shape interactions of religious groups. Emphasis is placed on developing skills for effective participation in a religiously diverse world. 3 hours lecture. (021719)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 381 Sociology of Religion 3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course explores the impact of religion on the individual and society, and surveys the major developments in the field. This includes interactive relationships between religion and other social institutions, and debates on controversial issues. 3 hours lecture. (008184)
Cross listing(s): SOCI 327
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 391 Reading in Religious Studies 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is a special topic offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (008192)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 398 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
Special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 3 hours seminar. (008196)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 399 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 9 hours supervision. (008197)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 402 Religion, Sex, and Gender 3 Units
Typically Offered: Spring only
This course studies the many ways religion shapes gender and sexuality in different cultures and historical periods. It examines how religion affects the social expectations and experiences of women, men, and other genders as well as how religion helps define and regulate sexual behavior, sexual identities, and sexual possibilities. 3 hours seminar. (021634)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 403 Religion and the Arts 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
This course is designed to examine the ways religion helps shape artistic expression and how various art forms-music, architecture, visual arts, storytelling, and film-serve as means of religious expression. We explore both traditional "sacred" art (e.g. temples, mosques, churches) as well as popular art (novels, movies, etc.) that have been shaped by religious themes. We explore the role of the arts in a number of different religious traditions. 3 hours seminar. (021622)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 480 Theories and Criticisms of Religion 3 Units
Typically Offered: Fall only
A study of the history, theories, and methods of religious studies as a scholarly and academic discipline, with emphasis on the biographical and historical contexts of significant contributors to the discipline and their classic works. Topics include secular vs. religious approaches to the study of religion and the contrast between religious insiders' and outsiders' perspectives; alternative theories of the origins and functions of religion; and debates over whether religion is a positive or negative influence in the lives of individuals and social groups. 3 hours seminar. (008191)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 3 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 482W Capstone: Religion, Public Life, and the Professions (W) 4 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: GE Written Communication (A2) requirement.
Typically Offered: Spring only
This capstone equips students to analyze the role of religion in public life, including issues of religious freedom and the relationship between religion and American social institutions (government, education, health care, the criminal justice system, etc.). Following a study of the U.S. context, the course explores comparative cases in other countries. Focus is on the position(s) of religion in public space; the shifting boundaries of religious and non-religious activity, and the implications of these arrangements. One unit of credit for this course involves an internship, a research project, or prior learning portfolio assessment/experiential learning essay. 4 hours seminar. (008200)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 4 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment
RELS 489 Internship in Religious Stud 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
Enrollment will be determined by permission of the Department of Religious Studies. 3 hours supervision. (008208)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 15 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 498 Special Topics 1-3 Units
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
Special topics offered for 1.0-3.0 units. 3 hours lecture. (008210)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course more than once
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 499 Special Problems 1-3 Units
Prerequisite: Faculty permission.
Typically Offered: Inquire at department
This course is an independent study of special problems offered for 1.0-3.0 units. You must register directly with a supervising faculty member. 3 hours supervision. (008211)
Grade Basis: Credit/No Credit
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division
RELS 499HW Senior Honors Research Paper (W) 3 Units W, GW
Prerequisite: GE Written Communication (A2) requirement, RELS 480 (may be taken concurrently).
Typically Offered: Fall and spring
To provide students accepted for "Honors in the Major" an opportunity to prepare and write a research paper on topics germane to their interests developed during the first three years of work in religious studies. Research and writing will be done under supervision of a staff advisor for a total of 6 units in two semesters. 9 hours supervision. (008212)
Grade Basis: Graded
Repeatability: You may take this course for a maximum of 6 units
Course Attributes: Upper Division; Writing Course; Graduation Writing Assessment